“Years ago I met Nancy Gordon, LCSW while she was speaking about Dialectical Behavior Therapy for those who suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.  Since that time, I have had the distinct honor of being trained to provide DBT in my own practice under her guidance and mentoriship, and this journey has changed me personally and professionally.  Nancy is extensively trained in DBT and is leading our consultation team at the Charis Center where we have been able to start an Adult and Adolescent program with her support and expertise.  This program simply would not be as effective or successful without her guidance and knowledge.  A gifted counselor, consultant, and trainer, Nancy desires to share her knowledge so that others may find the value she has in providing DBT to those who are in need.  In all of her work, she embodies integrity, passion, and wisdom.  Knowing Nancy has been a special gift in my life.”

~ Stacy

“A gifted counselor, consultant, and trainer…”